Yeast overgrowth in the body? - yeast overgrowth in body
I suffer from indigestion / heartburn for years. I went to various types of gastrointestinal physicians, ENT, etc., but no one seems to cope with my problems. They gave all kinds of drugs, including acid reducers, things that help me, my bowels move more often, but nothing works. Finally I went to a doctor, scientist asked me to go on a diet to eliminate yeast in the body. I did not go because he could see more money and they could not pay, because I have to pay out of pocket. I want to get rid of, because the problem not only cause digestive problems, but the breath is bad. Anyone who has suffered from this problem and tell me how he has it going on (I saw a dentist, if that) the problem. Of course, I am also pregnant.
Wow, I'm sorry to hear about it. Ironically, these two things (acid-blockers, and laxatives can be) made matters worse ... But I'm glad to see an alternative practitioner who was willing to help (but) unfortunately too expensive.
Normally, I would recommend going on a candida cleanse, but generally should not do if you are pregnant or breast feeding. Therefore, the best (and safest would be) during pregnancy will stay away from sugar and yeast bread at a time (at least until you master the situation) caprylic acid (coconut oil, which helps fight the yeast found), and take They help a good probiotic complex to combat yeast. You could take some grapefruit seed extract to clean the system a little, but I would like if you are pregnant, to be careful on the safe side.
This should clear the yeast in a few weeks to help (up to several months depending on how the distribution is bad). Once approved and has a couple of weeks, it could very easily while reducing simple adProbiotics Aily (to keep the yeast), and this should be enough to begin to eat with sugar and again ... But like everything, I would not go too far.
Probiotics in yogurt, it has some, but unfortunately there is no place quite close, if you have a problem, the fungal growth ... It is a much stronger need probiotics to be in a complementary product.
Good luck!
Do you eat yogurt (with active cultures as indicated in the packaging). Activia is good because it helps regulate the bowel. You have to eat every day. You do not want to disturb the natural flora of the body, or you can have some bowel problems, vaginal infections, inflammation of the mouth, etc.
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